Ah, my songwriting and photography skills are still paying
off big-time! The day before yesterday I got a letter in the
mail telling me that they have added another $1.45 royalty
credit toward the $50.00 I must earn before I can actually
get paid for the song lyrics I wrote with my friend Doug, oh so many
years ago, for the song "One More Truck Stop Christmas" which
can be found on the world-renowned "specialty" CD titled
"The Trucker's Christmas Album."
And yesterday I got an email from the Red Bubble photography
website telling me that I had made a sale! Yes, I sold one
greeting card made from my photo of the "bakery couple" (taken many years ago when I was just beginning to play around with photography and experimenting with Photoshop post-processing) who were at work inside their Mexican bakery on 24th Street in the
Mission District. The card sold for $3.45 and I have made
sixty cents, also not to be sent to me until my sales reach
some minimum amount, probably also $50.00.
I will have to make sure that I arrange for these profits to
go to my son Will after I am gone, just in case they ever do get up to $50.00. He'll most likely be retirement age
by then, and can use it to help pay for healthcare. Maybe
he will brag to his grandchildren about how his mother used
to be a popular photographer and songwriter, particularly in truck driver
circles . . . back in her day.
Let's hope that when Will is retired and in need of healthcare, universal healthcare will be a reality, and he can spend the royalties on something fun -- like a cup of coffee.
Posted by: Jeff | Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 09:36 AM
Love this.
Posted by: Linda | Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 09:58 AM