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    « Normal | Main | High Drama »

    Monday, July 15, 2013


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    I like hearing the truth. We are human, after all,not Stepford Wives. Part of any illness is trying new things, getting really excited about them, then realizing they don't work for you, then trying something else. I like hearing about the ups and downs, the happy moments and the sad realities. Keep on writing. I like the new blog look, too. Ahh, I remember when Olivia was a puppy. So cute.

    Harlan Lewps

    Well, the last photo makes Olivia look like Richard Branson.

    Jeff Kennedy

    I tune in to read what you have to say, whatever that is on any given day. I like the new look and feel of your blog. (The colors are similar to my new logo and refreshed website, so we must be trending.) And pictures of Olivia are always a bonus! Zola sends her love ... and her regrets that she is out of commission due to what the doggy ER thought on Thurs. was a broken ankle but was downgraded on Sat. to a hyper-extension injury with surgery unlikely. So until she is healed, picture Zola convalescing in her magenta splint, being spoon fed doggy delicacies.


    Well...that ending did make me laugh. But it's also so good to know how you're really feeling--even when it's really bad. So thanks for telling us.

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