Here's a post written by Dr. Linchitz, which I found on a YouTube page featuring the Top 10 Health Videos.
Health care reform is a must but almost all of the discussion is misplaced. The focus has always been on who is going to pay (single payer vs. multiple, etc.) or efficiencies (electronic v. paper, etc.) or fraud and abuse. However, health care in this country will never be affordable until we change our system from a centralized "sick care" system directed by insurance companies or government and "big Pharma" and focused on symptom management with drugs, interventionist with expensive tests and surgery, to one which values the individual doctor-patient relationship and focuses on prevention and lifestyle change.
Drugs and surgery CANNOT make us truly healthy. They can only cost the country a fortune to keep us alive. True health can only come from changing our lifestyles to include real food (not the processed garbage relentlessly advertised by the food industry), sensible exercise, stress management, avoiding toxins (pesticides, plasticizers, heavy metals, etc.). Any attempt at reform which doesn't attempt to rein in the power of insurance companies (and yes even gov't bureaucracies), "big Pharma" and "big FOOD", is doomed to failure. The doctor-patient relationship with payment for time to understand the individuality of the patient, medical education focused on nutrition instead of drugs, and reform of "big Pharma" and "big food" are the essentials of real change!
Posted by Richard Linchitz on 01/03/2009 @ 07:58AM PST
Posted by Richard Linchitz on 01/03/2009 @ 07:58AM PST
people want to find out about the survival rate for this type of therapy to encourage them to go for it instead of the conventional treatment as they're always bullied into believing that it's the conventional way or the 'highway'. patients find themselves pushed and dragged into the hands of the dr not knowing exactly what's going to happen to them.
anyone knows the survival rate of this treatment?
Posted by: samie | Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 12:32 AM