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    « Grace Under Pressure | Main | Symptoms »

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006


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    Oh, I too feel 100% better after reading this post, my dear Jane. You are doing a great job here and I am v. proud of you. Plus the news of your son is always a delight to read or hear about. And how nice of Luis to write! Thank you again for your honest and beautiful blog.


    I'm so glad you followed up yesterday's post with this. I felt so anxious reading (yesterday) and worried and I didn't want to make things worse by telling you that or trying to cheer you up, so... well you know, I said nothing.


    Dear Jane:

    You are doing great with all the different tasks and problems you are working on. I want you to know that I am praying for you, health, business, house problems etc.

    Keep up a good diet; flax is very important for your health, so don’t forget to include it in your diet.

    6 month's ago, my family and I had the opportunity to visit San Francisco for our vacation, I forgot the streets, but our hotel was the Castle In. After several day's in SF, I visited a small laundry place that we found in our way to Fisherman’s Warf, this is where I found an add for your business; I visited your site, and I followed a link to your blog. In summary this is how I found you.

    I will keep comming. Thanks.


    Oh, I am glad your were able to shower, that will help you a bunch

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